Case Studies: How These Entrepreneurs Successfully
Landed Podcast Interviews!
(And How You Can Too)

You’ll learn:
  • Crafting Compelling Pitches: Discover proven strategies for crafting attention-grabbing pitches that resonate with podcast hosts.
  • Booking Secret Tips: Some insider tips for navigating the podcast booking process, from identifying ideal shows to reaching out effectively.
  • Real-Life Success Stories: Actionable case studies showcasing how entrepreneurs leveraged podcast appearances to amplify their brand and drive business growth.

Increase Brand Awareness

Streamlined Booking Process

Downloadable Cheat Sheet


I'm Jim James, and I must admit, I'm a bit of a polymath.

With a burning curiosity and over 30 years of international entrepreneurship experience, I've crafted a diverse portfolio that spans continents and industries.

From founding companies in both services and products to pioneering ventures in Asia's tech scene, my journey has been anything but conventional.

The #1 thing I noticed made a difference in my venture, was my capacity to get NOTICED…

This is what this training is all about, and I’m excited to show you what I’ve learned.

Join me in this free training and let’s get your business more visibility online.