How did a post about home delivery of vegetables go viral?

18.10.23 09:55 AM By Jim James

Over 7,000 impressions in 7 days. Engagement increased 25%

Is this company the Apple of fresh vegetables?

I met one of the Riverford Organic Farmers people at the Apple Festival this weekend in Trowbridge.

He was polite, passionate and professional.

Riverford home deliver organic fresh produce from over 40 farms across the UK. 

I signed up on the day using their easy to use App. 

Within seconds they could see my account on their iPad, guided me through the payment set up, and helped me choose this medium size box of autumn vegetables.

I received a book written by the founders - a family of 4 siblings, led by Guy Watson. This tells their story of growing up on a farm, and how they all travelled around the world and then returned to Riverford to run this business; which now has over 30 years provenance.

Within 24 hours I had a call from the delivery man confirming our address , order and delivery time.

Riverford Organic Farmers operate a fleet of electric vehicles. Low food miles count, and low carbon count.

Today we had our first delivery and have a welcome pack and a thank you card. 

I’ve already had a carrot with hummus. The carrot was clean but clearly just left the ground hours before being brought to me in an electric van by Dave, our polite delivery man.

The carrot tasted delicious. Sweet and crisp. My wife is chomping her way through the book full of recipes.

At £18 this box is no more expensive than organic in the supermarket. 

All the packaging is of postable film, which they collect along with the cardboard box which apparently can be used 10x.

Today in the mastermind I run with a group of business owners we worked on their customer journey.

We talked about making the customer experience amazing, frictionless, and so good that the customer will be an advocate.

Just like I am doing here and now for Riverfood Farms.

I'm so impressed with the complete experience that I am writing about it here on LinkedIn because I think that you will 
a) love the story 
b) enjoy the service 
c) devour the produce (only in the UK though :( )

If you use the referral link below, Riverford Organic Farmers will make a donation of food to FareShare South West.

Sign up to Riverford and get £15 off

I’ll donate my referral points to FareShare South West.

How do you delight your customers?

P.s. if you’d like to work on your Customer Journey, DM me and I'll share the template I uses in my masterminds.

Trowbridge Chamber CIC -a growing business community.

#customerexperience #circulareconomy #organicfarming

Jim James

Founder UnNoticed Ventures Ltd