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Work together with me to accomplish your goals.

If you have a specific goal in mind and want to work with someone to ensure that you reach it, then let me be there for you one to one.

Work with me on your priority.

This offering is for the business owner who has a unique problem to solve, that doesn't fit into any existing course or framework. 

With over 30 years as an entrepreneur, experience living on multiple continents running various business types with mixed ownership structures, I can bring a range of insights. 

My role is to help a client to reach their end goal quickly and effectively.

Some examples of my engagements:

  • Co-founder arbitration
  • Business model clarification
  • Fund raising negotiation
  • Personal brand development
  • Process optimisation 
  • Developing a positive mindset 
  • People management problems

Confidential sessions are held via Zoom, with recordings made available. 

I play the role of accountability coach, ensuring that a client gets to the other side of their goals.

Engagements take as long as is required, and are billed according to the value derived from the solution. 

Ly Palang

Jim helped me to figure out whether my idea can be developed into a business or is it just another hobby as I have had them before.

I needed a neutral, unattached look from a person who has decades of business experience in various sectors, markets and cultures. Over the four private sessions Jim helped me to elaborate my ideal buyer persona and spotted a possible market segment I had not considered. 

But most of all, I am grateful for the help with running the numbers, the (painful) part what I call excel-work. This is my weakest side of all. Jim brought structure and clarity into my fuzzy thoughts and created a solid base where I can build my pricing and revenue models on. They will change over time for sure, but now I see how it all falls into a system. This was the biggest aha-moment for me. It may sound too basic to some, but I am sure I am not alone in this!      

On top of that it is great to have someone thinking along and giving their time & effort to support your idea, find extra resources, and also confirm what you kind-of know but haven´t verbalized.

Thank you, Jim!