
Blog tagged as Beijing

Autocar China kindly decided to feature the Morgan Roadster in their leading magazine. With circulation of 180,000 across China , the magazine is licensed from Autocar UK.

A journalist had seen the Roadster on a quick visit to the local shops! The best kind of PR. Chen Xin, journalist, and Liu Yu, Ex...

28.09.11 02:48 PM - Comment(s)
May 24 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Stephen Engle speaks with Jim James, a Morgan Motor Company roadster owner who's asked the British automaker for permission to market the handbuilt luxury cars in China. Luxury-car sales in China will rise 20 percent this year after surging 48 percent to 459,000 ve...
25.05.11 01:07 PM - Comment(s)
At the wheel of the Morgan RoadsterThe Morgan had an opportunity to celebrate the Royal Wedding at the invitation of the UKTI. She sat pride of place alongside an Aston Martin Rapide, Jaguar XJS and a JCB digger. HE Mr Sebastian Wood CMG was even tempted behind the wheel, joined by his wife Sirinat. There wasn't time for a quick spin...
09.05.11 11:30 AM - Comment(s)