Blog categorized as Doing business in China

logoLeading entrepreneurs from the UK share their experiences of doing business in China

By Yin Lu Source:Global Times Published: 2015-10-22 21:23:01 British business owners thrive in different industries in China by exerting the UK's strengths. Photo: IC Have you noticed that among the 20 million Beijin...
22.10.15 07:04 AM - Comment(s)
We took part in the Bund Classic in Shanghai 16-18th Oct. It was a resounding success. A highlight of my time building the Morgan brand in China has been the drive down the Bund with vintage cars and 5 Morgan vehicles. We used the Go-Pro to record the moment.
17.10.15 07:18 AM - Comment(s)
“I am writing this post at 35,000 ft in the air whilst on SQ806 from Singapore to Beijing, reflecting on a week in which I travelled from China to Singapore to Bangalore and back. On the cover of the FT the headline talks of ‘dramatic falls’, there is a spat between N and S Korea, and the cyanide le...
07.10.15 12:50 PM - Comment(s)
金宝(Jim James)还记得,在一个寒冷的午后,自己如何略带忐忑地看着一群潜在买家测试他那非常昂贵的存货的性能。金宝持有英国摩根汽车公司(Morgan Motor Company)唯一一张中国市场进口许可证。那天,他的客人们借用了长城附近一座小机场空旷的柏油碎石路面,在那里驾驶着税后零售价高达270万元人民币(合44万美元)的摩根汽车,高速兜着小圈。   轮胎发出刺耳的摩擦声,可以闻到橡胶烧糊的气味。但金宝表示,这次试车没有给车辆造成任何损害;与之相反,中国检验检疫官员进行的几次试车把他的车给撞坏了。“这制造了一些难题,因为接下来我们只能把车送回英国修理,”金宝在提到一起尤为严...
02.12.14 02:59 PM - Comment(s)
There can be few more privileges than to be engaged in the success of not just one but two Great British automotive brands. In Sept 2014 I took up an engagement as the Interim CEO of Lotus Cars China. The company was formed as  Lotus Engineering Ltd. by engineers  Colin Chapma...
06.09.14 03:23 PM - Comment(s)